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Dynacord powermate1000


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Please help.I thought it was a loose connection and seemed to be fixed. Then in the middle of someone singing the reverb/echo effects go off as do the display lights.it's been taken to a specialist who said he couldn't make it go wrong and had it working for a day and a night without it going off but 2 weeks later it went off again for 20 mins leaving music playing . Then there was a sudden pop and it came back on.Fri morning it was set up and we got lights back on with testing all connections. It wasn't moved but then coming to work the lights didn't come on. I'm known for a good karaoke sound and I either have to fix this or source a brand new exactly same desk as I hate learning new stuff ** laughs out loud **

Intermittent faults like this can be tricky to track down. It could be a dry solder joint somewhere, or a loose ribbon cable. Has the specialist actually taken a look inside the unit? A problem that doesn't present itself on a test bench may reappear after it gets bounced around in transit, or when the temperature rises in a venue. You could try another repairer but without knowing what the first person has done, you might be throwing good money after bad.


Thinking of it purely from a business point of view, if you make your money from Karaoke and the effects are important, then replace it. One option might be to use an external effects unit and leave the internal Powermate effects out. However this means learning a new unit.


There are updated versions of the Powermate available from new. Main benefit is that the amplifiers are lighter, so it's an easy lift. But quite a significant investment.


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