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Powering Nexo PS15 system from 1 amp?


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I am presently powering 2 PS15's and 1 LS1200 off one Camco Vortex 6 in mono.

My band is a 3 piece with keys,guitars,vocals and backing tracks.

My question is what difference would using an additional amp to power the LS1200 make to the overall sound?

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I personally dont make a habit of running too many boxes from one amplifier, should the amplifier fail, what would u do?


Also just coz the amp says it does x KW per channel, better to run with headroom than rail to rail, thus reducing heat, distortion etc.....


As msg before said, the system would be in stereo, im guessing youd need a x over or maybe the LS box has an internal x over?


I learnt a valuable lesson putting multlble cabinets on one amplifier.


It was a QSC PLX2402 I had 2 wedges per channel on it, and for some reason we had a power outage,When all was restored and when the rack with the PLX's came back to life, one of them for some reason didnt. Something to do with the oscillation chips inside, anyway thankfully we had a spare amp in the van, if we hadnt backing vox wouldnt have been happy, although come to think of it....are they ever?




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You don't say Little DJ?


I know perfectly well I am running in mono what I wanted to know was what difference would running in Stereo make to the overall sound.

The reason I ask is a lot of our backing tracks seem to be getting lost in the mix and I was wondering if this was a contributory factor.I suspect so.


Obviously I know it's better to use 2 seperate amps but unless someone can give me a spare £1500 to get another vortex I can't afford to so I'm having to use what I've got.

I have thought about using a PLX2402 bridged for the sub.

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Sorry :huh: One of those days.


I'd echo the posts above. If you have the ability to run it from two amps then it might well benefit you for the above reasons. However, there are those that say if it aint broke don't fix it......Personally I like to tinker and try and make things better.

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you will lose the stereo (spatial effect) whilst running in mono, though in larger set ups its pref to run in mono anyway as in a crowd of 4000 no one will tell if its in stereo!


If your running backing tracks into L & R you could try by panning them both to the center, though your proberbly get cancellation. the other thing you could do would be to run it through an audio editor (Adobe audition, cubase) and mix it down to mono.



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I personally dont make a habit of running too many boxes from one amplifier, should the amplifier fail, what would u do?


Also just coz the amp says it does x KW per channel, better to run with headroom than rail to rail, thus reducing heat, distortion etc.....


As msg before said, the system would be in stereo, im guessing youd need a x over or maybe the LS box has an internal x over?


I learnt a valuable lesson putting multlble cabinets on one amplifier.


It was a QSC PLX2402 I had 2 wedges per channel on it, and for some reason we had a power outage,When all was restored and when the rack with the PLX's came back to life, one of them for some reason didnt. Something to do with the oscillation chips inside, anyway thankfully we had a spare amp in the van, if we hadnt backing vox wouldnt have been happy, although come to think of it....are they ever?



Well I see that to power a Ps 15 is really a pain in the ASK. I was told already so. But I think that a great amp ( only one ) is a lot more trusty than a decent pair.


You were lucky that when the power showed up the rest of the amps were alive. Well maybe the owner of the club was also lucky too that the power showed up and could freely say " SHOW MUST GO ON" proly a few mins before the audience were considering to throw tomatos on him. But I think that the eletric company was lucky too that the owner of the venue would of take him to court for all the lose of money of that night. Also the guy who suggested the owner not to buy a Power Generator was lucky too of not to lose his job. An the electrician was lucky too of not been cought at the venues owner house with his wife while he shoulded been fighting the black out. Well all the things that were just avoided when light showed up. As you can see nothing in life it's " FA SUURE". So dont spend money in a cheap amp to be more secure. Better to keep saving the you will be the one borrowing money for the next Vortex.




Moderation: Quote fixed.

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