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Cutting Hire Costs


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Hey there, this site is great, just found it, you've got lots of really good topics on here, I myself am an amature drama SM / Sound Engineer, and thing this place is really useful. I saw some people were looking for cheap sound systems. Well our amdram group, in yorkshire are always looking at ways to cut costs, means we can spend more on set dressing at the like. For our last production about a month ago we looked around for some software to run the show, we used to use Windows Media Player for some SFX, but it never worked that well. We found this company who have written some software especially for people like us. Means we didnt need to hire in lots of gear this last time. Saved us a bomb, just thought id pass it on to you anyway as a welcoming gesture, think their site was http://www.csmd.co.ukor something, really cheap it was too, just meant we had to use me laptop too, which was ok, we could play games at the interval which is always good....


Anyway hope someone finds this snippet of info useful.





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Oh yeah theres lots of stuff out there, I just like its simplicity thats all, makes life easy for us, and means people who dont even know the show or software can run it easily if needs be. Like it cos its cheap and I can use it at home too. Ill look at Sound Cue System though, looks intresting.





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Guest lightnix

I'm not a sound engineer, so can't really comment on the software. What I would say, though, is that I would always be very sceptical about buying online from a company that displays no contact information on its website whatsoever.


Perhaps I should also ask what your exact relationship with the company is, Rambo? I might be wrong, but your posts come a cross as being a tad commercial in nature.

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Hey there,


I have no contact with the company what so ever, im just a keen amature dramatis. Found out about it through a friend who is doing Stage Management down in London, their course used it a bit. Know what ya mean about the contacts though.


Which do people prefer then? The Sound Cue System http://www.soundcuesystem.com or the Computerised Sound Mixing Desk http://www.csmd.co.uk? I think its hard to choose both have good point to them, and bad points. Quite like the screen layout and look of CSMD, but like the ideas on the Sound Cue System. Id be intrested on peoples thoughts!






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