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Fake sharpy spares


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I've had the displeasure of servicing some fake sharpys in a club recently however one unit had the front lens fall out after the fixture had been running for a while. The club think they found all the parts but I'm not so sure. Does anybody happen to know where I might even find spares for these horrible things. They are just called Beam200. google throws up various links but no spare parts that I could see. I'm sure there is some kind of spacer missing between the 2 lenses as otherwise the 2 lenses would just be jammed together.



personally I'd rather throw them all in a skip but sadly I'm only paid to fix them.

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  • 1 month later...
FYI (slightly unrelated) I made a personaility for the Beam 200 (came into my venue unwillingly as part of a package), so if anyone needs a personality for them on ETC EOS, let me know and I can send it over...saves trying to find the manual and going through the bad translations http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.gif
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