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Lightfactory woes;(


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Hi, been trying to resolve this on the LightFactory forum without luck. It may be that is is not posable (in which case a workaround would be good) or Martin (who does the support) is away. Either way someone here may be able to help.


Basically I want to save a snapshot of all values for all fixtures I have selected. This includes fixtures that have an intensity of 0. Simple as that;). What happens is the fixtures that have an intensity of 0% save an intensity of 100%.


The reason I want to do this is a lot of the time we are setting up cabaret type stuff very quickly. Single run and not time for a proper run through. So I set up a few states and busk through them but I need to have a full snapshot as I don't know what order they will be used in. I use shortcuts and tend to set a generic crossfade of 2 seconds.


When I have managed to set up the shortcuts this works great but I keep getting fixtures coming on at 100%. I tend to build the state on the current one but the shortcuts could be used in ay order.


It may be lightfactory is not the one for me, which is a real shame as I have invested in a full universe. I am really hoping someone can help me but if not I may have to switch SW;(.




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Hi Ben


An occasional LF user here,


What tracking mode are you running in?


I just ran a quick test with a selection of conventionals


- Select with intensities including 0

- Add selected channels to group (snapshot current state)


and I see channels recorded with intensity 0 in the snapshot which gets recalled as expected using shortcuts.


LF v2.18 B144

Full tracking OFF (Hybrid mode)





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OK, I set tracking to Hybrid Off and patched a single Generic (Houselight). I created 2 Groups/shortcuts. houseOn (100% and houseOff 0%).


Both had an intensity of 100%


I am using V2.10.1 B144. Are you sure this is not the full version you are using?


Now here is the odd thing. I have only been having these problems in the last few months (possibly six). I can't say for sure but a while ago everything seemed to work fine. ime wondering if the functionality has been changed;(.


Or it could be another setting.



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I don't have LF in front of me at the moment to test this, but looking at page 63 of the manual and if I'm reading it correctly, if you set the system to hybrid tracking mode, and also set the 'Cue Default Record Mode' to 'Selected' I think you might be in business .....
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That's interesting


As soon as I record a group with all channels at intensity 0 they are saved as intensity 100 - this seems like a bug to me and worth raising with Martin.

With any one channel with intensity >0 then all other channels are saved as 0


Is that the behavior you are seeing?



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Mr Roberts, I have just tried this and still get 100%.


James, Martin did start replying to my problem and suggested I chose Changed after explicitly setting intensity to 0 but this does not work for me as I want a full snapshot, not just changed values. I pointed this out a couple of days ago and have not had a response.


his previous response was

The logic behind this is that it provides a quick way to create a group without having to set the channels first. You can just select some channels and quickly create a group will levels at 100%. This is the more common use.

If you want to create a group with the channels specifically at 0 you need to record CHANGED.Set the channels you want to 0 and then when you record the group select the switch in the dialog box from "Selected" to "Changed".You will need to explicitly set the channels to 0. i.e. 1/5@0


Sound like he is saying this is the expected behaviour but it is a bit counter-intuitive and not useful (for me at least).


I would like a snapshot to be a snapshot in the same way as other systems do it.


As I said this feels like a change in functionality and what you said seems to indicate this (as you seem to be using a previous version). Can you share the exe with me so I can give it a try?




PS another seemingly change in how LF works is now when I select a shortcut the the channel display is brought to the front and the colour picker is also brought forward if I am using a RGB can. This is also extremely annoying as I use a laptop and the shortcuts screen gets covered. LF seems to be going backwards;(.

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I thought I was on a newer version 2.18.1 B144 which makes this interesting


Can I check which record group option you are using (eg) Ctrl+G or Ctrl+Alt+G ?


Recording a snapshot of a scene works as expected for me


I've just tested again from scratch, new show, half a dozen conventionals patched variety of states recorded.


If you start with a channel untouched intensity is recorded as [OFF] (also applies after releasing a channel)

Set an intensity to 36% and it is recorded as [36%]

Set an intensity to 0 and it is recorded as [0]






*(as long as at least one channel in the group has an intensity >0 as mentioned in an earlier message I think there is a bug when every selected channel is 0 then all seem to be recorded at 100

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I thought I was on a newer version 2.18.1 B144 which makes this interesting


Can I check which record group option you are using (eg) Ctrl+G or Ctrl+Alt+G ?


Recording a snapshot of a scene works as expected for me


I've just tested again from scratch, new show, half a dozen conventionals patched variety of states recorded.


If you start with a channel untouched intensity is recorded as [OFF] (also applies after releasing a channel)

Set an intensity to 36% and it is recorded as [36%]

Set an intensity to 0 and it is recorded as [0]




*(as long as at least one channel in the group has an intensity >0 as mentioned in an earlier message I think there is a bug when every selected channel is 0 then all seem to be recorded at 100


I am using Crl+G.

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Hi Ben


I've tried to repeat this test again.


Clean show,

Release all fixtures

Set ch 1@50

Set ch 2@0

Select ch 1/3

Record Selected as Group.


Intensities recorded are





which is how I would expect this to behave.


Can you repeat this test and let us know what you get please?



Thank you




ps. If I'm running 2.18.1 B144 and if you are indeed running 2.10.1 B144 then perhaps you might want to consider upgrading?

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