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I might be being dumb here....


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Hey Guys


With the x32 new firmware I downloaded the new Edit software. I use this to set up the desk from my office before all our school events.

I now can't find how to rename channels, I worked out how to change the image on a channel but not a name. I am probably being stupid but can someone point me in the direction.




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I also can't seem to find/work out how they have changed the mixbus stuff. I finally worked out how to change mix buses to pre or post fader but with post fader sends on the X32 we normally use the select button to send them as you can't use the fader to send a post fader send, correct? But how do I do this on the Edit software? There are the little{what look like} power buttons but they are all on whereas if they were for sending to post fader mixbuses I would have thought they'd be off?


Any clarification please?

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It doesn't matter whether a send is pre or post - you can still use send on faders to send a channel to it.

In the software, you can either select a bus from the list on the right hand side (all the channels will then be outlined in that bus's colour) to use the faders to send, or you can select Channel from the tabs at the top where you'll then get access to all the bus sends for that channel - faders for buses and on/off buttons for groups.

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Ahh Yes! seen subgroup below!

The power button symbols still don't make any sense as they by default are on when you select subgroup. This suggests everything is sent to the subgroup by default. I would have expected the buttons to be off until you chose to send a channel to that subgroup?


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