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Behringer CX2310 - Wiring help for home use


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Is This the correct way to wire my crossover to amp and pc?





Hi there blue-room been searching around the forum for help on wiring a behringer crossover,


I know this is for stage/PA use but all other crossovers I bought before just lack quality, dying after not long of use.

using passive crossovers seem to drain the quality of the signal a fair bit so I opted for active ones instead,


Im not very familiar with XLR, I understand the pinouts and how crossover networks run in general but im getting confused over this wiring





I'm using this for home use, I have 2 amplifiers - one for my mono subwoofer and the other amp for stereo speakers.


at the moment I dont have any XLR cables as I dont want to buy the wrong ones.


my setup consists of my sound card > aux to rca > amplifier > rca to rca > 2nd amplifer (chaining the input signal to the 2nd amp)


I can see on the manual to use stereo 2 way + mono sub I follow this diagram.

my question is (ive read that it doesnt but I wanna make sure) does this configuration carry both left and right channels in 1 XLR port or do I need to use both sides?




my crossover doesnt say input on the left side it says HIGH/LOW for stereo config...


I assume from reading the manual it goes like this.


4. INPUT: XLR INPUT Left + Right channel (AUX to XLR)


2. MIDS: Not used (sending high range over 200hz)

1. HIGH: XLR OUTPUT L+R Channel (XLR to RCA)




I feel that this isnt correct and each side is just one input, so left input/output - right input/output


if this is the case I just need balanced XLR to single RCA cables (male and female)


please dont hate, I know this really shouldnt be used for my setup but I got it cheap and it looks nice :)


Thanks for any suggestions :) Liam

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XLRs are never stereo so you'll need to connect your stereo input to two XLR inputs, not one.


thanks, I thought that was the case, just the manual isnt clear it made me think that it was in stereo. :)


Use the labels underneath the connectors, these are for 2 way stereo. I think you are reading the top labels which are for 3 way mono


Im reading the labels underneath, on one of the inputs it says High/Low wheras the picture I posted says input, thats whats confusing me :S


so if my understanding is correct. (applies to both channels)


INPUT > XLR Pin 1+3 bridged negative - Pin 2 Positve (MALE)


OUTPUT > Same again (female)

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Im reading the labels underneath, on one of the inputs it says High/Low wheras the picture I posted says input, thats whats confusing me :S

so if my understanding is correct. (applies to both channels)

INPUT > XLR Pin 1+3 bridged negative - Pin 2 Positve (MALE)

OUTPUT > Same again (female)


Yes that is correct for the XLR wiring.

Sorry I didn't understand your drawing about the High/Low (not sure what that means) but also you were referring to MID which only applies to the 3-way mono mode.

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Looking at the first image, I think you've got the red wire (Hot or +) on the wrong pin of the male XLRs going into the crossover. it should be on Pin 2 (linking 2&3 as you've drawn will result in a very quiet system indeed!)


I'd also not link to pin 1 to anything except the screen (for inputs) at all if the sound card & amps are unbalanced which is how it looks to me. Do not connect the screen to anything at the phono end of the cable.


Take a look at Rane - "Sound System Interconnection" for more info & some good diagrams.


I think you'll want lead #17 for your crossover inputs, and #6 for the outputs. Both probably difficult to find ready made anywhere, but very easy for anybody used to making leads to knock up.



E2A - I think the output leads as drawn in your first picture will probably work, but the way Rane recommend will be better.

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