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Need suggestions for headsets


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Hi Everyone,


I'm looking to buy myself a set of cans (just the headset) which I can wear on my right ear. Does anyone have any suggestions for good comfortable brands that are mid price range? All the cans I can find are left-ear.



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Beyers come up on ebay from time to time and they can be converted quite simply. Certainly my favourite - with one caveat. Get the velvet covers, because the ordinary ones leave black stain on your ears when they get old!


How would I go about converting one? I'm a stage manager not a technician so I don't have the skills to start taking things apart...




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Don't be daft! Of course you do! This isn't major surgery eat all. The headset boom arm is attached with quite a simple mechanism, so you just need to get to the screw under the cap, and then when you take it out the swinging mic boom is compressed by a plastic moulding on both sides, and there's a little pin that stops the arm travelling all the way from front to back. Re-assemble it with the boom on the other side, put the screw back, and it's done. Five minutes max. One of mine is converted like this for somebody who has problems with their 'normal' ear. Feels weird wearing their headset, but not an issue at all. It's within the skill set of anyone able to identify a flat head screwdriver from a cross head.


I suspect many stage managers would find it odd that technical skills of this kind are not in the skill set. The days of the Stage Manager just being a 'show caller' were, I thought, gone? Most Stage Managers nowadays are the ones everyone goes to for everything!

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If you want lightweight headsets, Telex PH-88 are the bomb. My radio comms hung while booting the other day and so I grabbed the wired set which is there as a backup; radio set has the PH-88 and the wired set has a Beyer headset. The weight difference is unbelievable - I used to use the Beyers all the time and was very used to them but now I'd never go back unless I was doing something like followspotting a noisy gig and needed the over ear headset to reduce external noise - they're just too heavy! The PH-88 also can go on either ear - the boom swings right over the top. I do agree with Paul though - it's dead easy to switch the boom over on the Beyer.
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I'm not sure if I have a funny shaped head, but I can't keep the Telex (and other similar ones, TBH) on my head. I turn my head quickly, and they fall off. I've noticed other people don't have this issue at all, and I totally agree they are comfy to wear. Must be me!
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Those last ones are available for about £6 (with jacks) if you shop around and I treat them as disposable after getting very fed up with users constantly breaking the 'proper' ones. 4pin XLR can be easily added either by replacing the jacks directly or with an adaptor. I went for the latter as it was easier to swap in new ones. They are ok but sound muddy to me compared to Tecpro etc.


If you are deft with a soldering iron, you can get the components for much less than £25.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There's a seller on Ebay who remanufactures Tecpro and the other branded versions of those headsets.


Goes by the name of "loopieb".


I bought 6 from him a couple of years ago for around £40 each and I've only had one minor issue with one item - which he repaired FOC.


Have a look at this listing from him as the mic can be swung to suit wearing on either ear...


My link

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