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Jands Event 408 and cues


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Planning to get a Jands 408 for the school where I work.... I had a demo with Andy Mahaffey from AC but I just thought of something I forgot to find out in the demo... does anyone know how well it does cues with generics? It has playback faders etc, but does it just do basic 'go cues' as in just hit 'go' and it goes to the next state, or automatic etc... I don't remember seeing an obvious 'go' button. It doesn't say anything on the Jands website to the tune of "It can do {this many} cues" - so does anyone have any more information on this?



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Guest AdamJames

A lot of people say its the best ML and Generic desk all in one they have ever seen.


In terms of generics, you have submasters (8,10,12?) and each stack or cue list is assigned to a submaster.


So Show 1 = Submaster one

Show 2 = Submaster two




They are easy to programme, you just need to assign each cue to a stack after you have programmed.

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Hi Adam,


The Jands Event 4 range of consoles allowes you to playback your show in different ways.


You can do normal Memory playback, where you simply program all your looks to your submasters, and busk away. Or after you have programed all your looks to submasters/memorys, you can assign them to a stack giving you single fader playback of the lot. You can of course set individual fade times on each memory. The flashbutton of the fader where you assigned the stack will act as a go button.


You can also program an "hog style" Q-list. I'm sure you remember how to program a memory on the Event4.

After you have programed your first memory (que) to a fader, you simply set up your next look, and you program it to the same fader, you will then get a question in the display asking you if you wish to overwrite the content of the fader (press -) or create an Autostack (press +) if you press + you will automatically create the second que to your q-list. You will not get prompted whit this question more then once for each q-list.


Hope this answered your question, please don't hesitate to ask further questions if you have any!


Over all I can say that the Event 4 is a very powerful console for its size. They have very few problems whit the hardware (mostly physical damage that I have seen) and the software is very stable!




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have you ever used movers with it?


Basically everytime I have used it, I had movers on it! It is probably IMO. one of the easyest consoles in the world to operate movers from!

It can handle up to 60 movers and 80 scrollers as well as the desk channels.




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Most people seem to have filled you in, they are all correct in that that you can asssign cuelists to faders, the Jands range refer to them as cue stacks.

If you have any further questions please contact me and I will be more than happy to talk you through any queries.



Kind Regards


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My school has an event 416, and it's great. Someone did manage to delete an entire show, not deep clearing but "tidying up the desk". I was very confused and P*ss*d off but thankfully it wasn't too painful to put it all back again. I guess that's why they have that handy backup feature
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My school has an event 416, and it's great.  Someone did manage to delete an entire show, not deep clearing but "tidying up the desk".  I was very confused and P*ss*d off but thankfully it wasn't too painful to put it all back again.  I guess that's why they have that handy backup feature


Hi Chris,


Another feature that might come in handy for you is to put the console in "play" mode, that way you wont have to worry about "unatorised personnel" deleting your show. [setup] > [desk] > [mode] now under mode you should be able to read REC for record/full accses mode. put your cursor here and pres [+] once. REC should now have changed to PLAY and you are no longer allowed to program or delete anything from the console!


This is not fool prof because it doesn't have a password protection, but if you really need that kind of security, and are willing to give up on some functionality, I might be able to dig out some old software that has the password protection in it! :(




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