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backstage why?????

mr techie

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hiya chaps, here on this wonderfull night I was having a thonk ( I know a scary thought) but why is it we love tech theatre (or tv / film whatever everyone does) so much. what is it that people love about this job. we never get appreciated as much as we should (especially in amateur world) and get all those jobs pilled onto us last minute. just something I would like ur views on.
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I just cant sit through a show and not want to do something and try to hear or see whats going. as a little kid me and my dad always watched construction shows and I got hooked on building and that kind of stuff. ive always liked playing with electricty(yeah I know...) I just felt it was natural. it just something I love to do. I hope I can keep thsi interesting and make a living wiht theatre


I cant sing or act

therefore I wear black....

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I did a bit of acting at one time in my youth (mainly musicals) I loved it - but I never felt that the work I did was my own, it was always the directors work- I got into Lighting design and opping, and sound design and opping as well as stage management - the work was my own.


I have only ever once had a director who knew the slightest thing about lighting, and that was because he had read a beginers book to be able to 'talk the lingo' with me. Kept on going on about my "Mission Statement" - apparently when lighting designers design they are meant to have a Mission Statement - he gave me mine - "Dark versus Light"... Needless to say I ignored what he said, and designed it as I felt it should, he was happy, and I loved my work.


A lot of shows I have read the scripts of go into fairly good detail about how the actors move, but in lighting and sound, you get a brief outline at the start if you are lucky (sound is my least favorite tech area to work, as most of the sound I end up doing is SFX, which is in a word - BORING) and a few statements within the script, leaving a lot of lee way.


Stagemanagement is not overly creative, but the feeling of satisfaction when the show is pulled together, I love it

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It is also the challenge of making things work and going right down to the wire in order to make it work. Yes, I have still been programming the lighting desk or painting the scenery during the overture ;-)


It is that sense of satisfaction and knowing that I've done a job right that counts, don't care about not being praised.

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I was too lazy to learn the assorted songs for a minor Grease part I'd been offered, so I switched to tech, and discovered I have a "Natural Talent for Lighting" (In the words of my Head of Drama)
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