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Source 4 EDLT


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Hi Guys:


I'm currently designing a show where hard focussed shutter cuts are beyond critical. It's a large and renowned touring Magic show, and as such the spec on my source fours for one of the illusions where the cuts are critical already includes Donuts and Full Top Hats to reduce spill down to the bare minimum.


Im wondering if any of you have any experience of the S4 EDLT at all, and whether you think it might help me in my quest for tight cuts, and sharp, sharp, sharp edges. There are literally millimetres in this particular trick working or being given away if the cuts are not bang on.


Obviously the EDLT was designed to enhance the Gobo focus capabilities of the S4, and so I'm wondering if it's a case that the tubes have been tweaked to allow specifically for the gobo plane to be tight, or whether they are a little more forgiving than that, and can enhance the shutter focus too.


Answers on a postcard please.





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The 36 degree EDLT tubes are significantly sharper on a 'sharp to shutter' cut, with none of the flare that you usually get from a standard 36 degree tube. They are the only ones I have used, I am afraid. You are welcome to come to Sidcup to have a look at one in anger.
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Focusing on a gobo and focusing on the edge of a shutter is the same principal - the EDLT lens is designed to obtain a sharper image with less glare and spill. I've used the 19 and 26 degree lenses for gobos and I think they will help with your shutter cuts
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I've used the EDLT on ETC's LED fixtures a lot recently: I was amazed how much sharper they are. Looking down the barrel, they look more like photographic/projector-grade lenses, where you can see detail all the way down them. Definitely worth it for this type of application.
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