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Replacement Barn Doors for Strand PC/Fresnel units


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Hello all,

Does anyone have any useful links for buying replacement barn doors for Strand Cantata Fresnel/PC units? They make up the bulk of my stock, and short of a funding miracle will continue to do so, and thought they are a good reliable unit generally all of my barn doors are slowly ripping themselves to shreds as time takes it's toll, and there's only so much riveting they will take. I don't need original Strand doors - just doors that fit the units. If anyone has any ideas I'd be very grateful!



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Hi Beki - I would like to know if you were successful for future reference as someone able to provide 40 or so Cantata barn doors is someone worth knowing! I can't see why anyone would want to replace them as their simplicity and performance is so good as I know too well when I have lit at your theatre in the past and have been disappointed if you had any gaps in the inventory!


Down at the Chesil we have reluctantly got rid of most of our older Strand stock but still have lots of SLs and Quartets which we have gone to a lot of trouble in recent years getting the reflectors, lenses and accessories into tip-top condition - with help from BR members in finding the contacts. We still have some 30 year old dimmers which the theatre is reluctant to change while they continue to work perfectly and can be easily repaired when they don't - thanks a bunch Zero 88 ;-)

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