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EV Q1212 cooling fan policy


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I'm using an EV Q1212 to drive my subwoofers in a home theater system, and the issue is that the cooling fans of the EV Q1212 that triggers periodicaly are very noisy. When they trigger while a quiet moment of a movie, it's very disturbing.


I was thinking about building a cooling system with larger and quieter fans just behind it, in the case I made for it, that would run permanently, and maybe disconnecting the noisy fans of the Q1212.

However, I'm not skilled enough in electronics to figure out if the Q1212 fans triggers because of a timer, or because of a temperatrure, and if disconnecting the fans will put the amplifier in error.

If they do trigger because of a temperature, I wouldn't mind letting them connected, as the larger fans I would install should keep it at a cooler temp.


Would anyone know about this?

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3 possibilities - a fault in your system, insufficient ventilation, or a faulty amplifier. I suggest you contact EV in France & talk to their service department -


EVI AUDIO FRANCE S.A.S, Allée Lech Walesa, Parc de Courcerin, 77185 Lognes, Tel :

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... I'm not skilled enough in electronics...


...if disconnecting the fans will put the amplifier in error.


Don't even contemplate disconnecting the fans, they are part of the amplifier's design and there for a reason. If disconnected, the amplifier may overheat & catch fire, with potentially catastrophic consequences.


If you suspect the amplifier is faulty, return it to a service centre.

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... I'm not skilled enough in electronics...


...if disconnecting the fans will put the amplifier in error.


Don't even contemplate disconnecting the fans, they are part of the amplifier's design and there for a reason. If disconnected, the amplifier may overheat & catch fire, with potentially catastrophic consequences.


If you suspect the amplifier is faulty, return it to a service centre.


You obviously didn't understand or fully read my message, my amplifier works fine, and I do not plan to suppress a feature of the amplifier, I just plan to replace it by a quieter one who will provide the same airflow, I was just curious to know if disconnecting the onboard fans would result in an error.

The amplifier will not burn in anycase, it is heat protected and would just switch in protection mode if anything would go wrong.

I'll ask to EV France then, thanks for the suggestion

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The fans will be operated by a thermostat, so should in theory only come on when the amp has been running hard. If the quiet sections of movies (that are being disrupted) come right after loud passages then that might be the answer, but it's more likely that something is faulty with the amp and causing the fans to trigger when they shouldn't usually be required.


Will the fans come on if the amp is just left idling with no signal for a while?

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You obviously didn't understand or fully read my message, my amplifier works fine, and I do not plan to suppress a feature of the amplifier, I just plan to replace it by a quieter one who will provide the same airflow, I was just curious to know if disconnecting the onboard fans would result in an error.

The amplifier will not burn in anycase, it is heat protected and would just switch in protection mode if anything would go wrong.


I fully read and understood your message, hence the activation of alarm bells. The Blue Room is a theatrical/professional user forum and we typically don't cover d0m3st1c electrics, h0me theatre, etc, HOWEVER when encountering post #1 from a brand new member, asking about making potentially dangerous DIY modifications, my natural sense of responsibility is to shout "STOP!"


You have indicated your electronics skills are limited, yet continue to suggest removing an integral part of the amplifier, specified & extensively tested by the manufacturer's R&D, believing your DIY solution will be superior/quieter, whilst maintaining a concerning confidence in that some protection stages (which I guess you don't intend on tinkering with) will continue to provide a failsafe in your modified product.


DO NOT DO THIS, in fact don't even open the cover.


If I come across as a grumpy old fart, then no apologies, I'll live with that. You're not the first and certainly won't be the last person to come on here with a similar question. If I (or any other long in the tooth member) can think ahead, put up the 'stop' sign and prevent a fire/fatality/insurance claim refusal/etc., as indeed we do from time to time, then we'll all sleep at night.


If the fan is noisy, take the amplifier back to where you bought it, or to a service centre. Simples.






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Just for people that may be getting confused.


Periodic fans is present through all of the q series amps and is not a fault.


Is moving the amp not possible?


Seems like the easiest way forward to me.

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Now that's a critical information that changes everything peza, thank you.

I'll ask EV advice about how to fix this without putting the amplifier at risk then.


Of course moving the amplifier would definitely be the easiest way to fix this, but unfortunately I do not really have options in that matter.


If I can get useful informations from them I won't miss to give some feedback.

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I would suggest looking into exhausted enclosurers similar to what you would use when installing a projector outdoors and leaving the amp fans as they are.


Amp fan noise would be reduced outside of the enclosure, and the enclosures are normally fitted with larger, slower and quieter (and normally constant) fans..


However they are not cheap.


Normal caveats apply - im just a guy on the internet and you should check an enclosure would keep the amps at a sensible tempreture.

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Well, I already designed a custom rack that I could of course modify to optimize the airflow and cooling ot the amp, but if the built-in fans operate periodicaly as you said, my problem will remain. I really hope EV will give me some interresting leads to figure it out.

I'll let you know if ever someone encounter the same need.

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