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ETC Element


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Finding my way around an ETC Element.

For the moment I have all the basics covered except for one niggling issue, the 'Level Wheel'.

When I activate a channel I can change the level by "at" - "level" - "enter" but it does not respond to the level wheel.

Been through most of the menu's to see if there is a setting for that but haven't found anything.


Is this a PICNIC (Problem In Chair, Not In Console) 'operator error' or should I get the console checked?

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There's a facepanel test thingy in the shell Settings.


Browser > Exit then Settings button.


If it doesn't work there then it's a hardware issue of some kind.

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It should be [ch] [@] and roll the wheel. If this doesn't work you may have a faulty wheel.


Get in touch with ETC support, they're a helpful bunch.


Not true. You only have to select a channel before rolling the wheel. But definitely get in touch with ETC about this, because I've had a similar problem on an ION where it was a hardware issue.

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