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WYSIWYG Printing Problem


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WYSIWYG Printing Problem




When trying to print a layout plan in WYSIWYG report the show details get half wiped out. The details are fine on screen and in print preview just when printed they don’t show and they are on the sheet as one half prints out and the other is just blank, this is on the right hand side of the sheet and no other layout objects are covering it. Has anyone else had this problem?


Thanks for any help,

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Hi, if you're having trouble with the Title Block then what you need to do is make the object containing the title block significantly wider than the contents, i.e. if you select your title block you get markers around the outside you can use to resize the object, but the contents aren't resized. - so resize the object to give plenty of white space between the edge of the title block and the edge of the object it is contained within. Its tricky to explain exactly what I mean, but I'll post a picture in the morning that illustrates it.


Exactly how much is down to trial and error, unfortunately. I don't know any way of getting the same output on paper as on the screen or print preview. Which is extremely annoying, especially when doing A1 plots - it wastes so much paper! Its one of those features of WYSIWYG since Day 1 which never seem to be addressed - but don't let me get started on that! :)

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As David says, it's an old problem, rather like the (non-)operation of LED battens in Design mode, the lack of certain basic snap modes, or the ability to scale text in legends, which has been ignored by Cast for ages (despite numerous other new 'features' being introduced, many of which are themselves buggy). :)


What a lot of people do (and which I will be doing myself in future, I think) is to give up on WYG for title blocks, and just create something as a JPEG or a bitmap and import it. You can make something much nicer-looking with much less hassle that way.

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What a lot of people do (and which I will be doing myself in future, I think) is to give up on WYG for title blocks, and just create something as a JPEG or a bitmap and import it. You can make something much nicer-looking with much less hassle that way.


Thanks, great idea, just done it now and it works a treat... :)

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Yes. I think this is the general problem with anything Spreadsheet based in Wyg. Formula 1 (their spreadsheet component) seems to have a problem with working out how much space text will take up at various different resolutions. You can see this both with 'Worksheet' items, and anything based on reports that you include in your plot. Simply resize the window and watch as the furthest right hand column appears and disappears at different zoom factors.


My solution to this is as David suggests - drag your containers out so that they provide more space to the right, to allow for the resizing. I tend to check this before printing by outputing to PDF first (I use BCL EasyPDF, but there's lots of other PDF print drivers available), which at least saves on the printing costs.


Rumour has it that they're going to replace the spreadsheet engine with something

more modern in a future release - won't be a moment too soon...



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Rumour has it that they're going to replace the spreadsheet engine with something more modern in a future release - won't be a moment too soon...

If they're telling the truth every time they promise some or other new feature or bug fix in a "future release" (usually the mythical R14!), they must be planning to work some awfully long days for the next year or two ...


There's a fair bit in WYG that's not quite working correctly, or missing completely, and every time someone suggests (usually on the LightNetwork on Delphi Forums) that they fix/include it, the answer seems to be "it's on the way sometime soon, it'll be in a future release". Either that, or "we know our CAD engine isn't particularly good, but rewriting it is far too much work". :)


Having said that, there isn't really anything else out there at the moment which can do what WYSIWYG can do - indeed, I've just renewed my Design subscription for a second year! Perhaps I should try to not be so critical of it until we finally see what happens with release 14 (which should be making its grand entrance sometime around September, I think) - all this talk of a major release with loads of fixes and new bits might actually be correct ....


Rant over! :)

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finally see what happens with release 14 (which should be making its grand entrance sometime around September, I think) - all this talk of a major release with loads of fixes and new bits might actually be correct ....


Umm what happened to release 13? I was sent release 12 on CD and the site has only release 12 on it. Is release 13 dues sometime soon but won't have many fixes and release 14 supposed to be the big fix release. I agree WYG doesn’t have the best CAD engine but for a first time user (of report only) it is great I have made a pro looking plot and didn't have to draw a thing... it really saves time when making quick rig changes and wanting current plot drawings to follow the same day.


I shall play with the printing later... thanks though…

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WYG releases come out every 3 months and work as follows -

Odd numbered releases (11, 13, 15) contain library updates

Even numbered releases (10, 12, 14) contain new features and bug fixes. As such, we can't expect much to change before September at the earliest :unsure:

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