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Gelstream Scrollers analogue control


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Gelstream can be controlled by either DMX or +10V analogue as provided. An option is available to internally change the analogue to -10V ( Strand) or 5V. Jumpers j1 and J2 are provided but instructions are very vague about this aspect. I am assuming that one jumper sets polarity and one voltage but which one? I could use DMX but that ties up precious channels. I have a couple of Strand analogue desks and would prefer to use these.


I have had all the information available from AC Lighting but this aspect is not adequately covered. Suggestions please.




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Hi Alex


Possibly is the answer. Gelstream has its own internal power supply so if only one unit was concerned we are only talking potential difference so fine. I want to control 4 units from a common analogue desk so all 4 units will be commoned together on the positive line which may not be good. I am reluctant to try it as I can't risk damage because so little information is available for these things.




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