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Band lighting and timecode

Richard CSL

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So I have an interested customer who has 6 LED moving lights and some led par cans. He wants to use his new voice and guitar pedal (TC Helicon) to provide the music. this pedal can be midi triggered AFAIK.


He wants to have time coded lighting with the music backing tracks and sometimes the band will play live but with a drummers click track.


So the question is, is there any simple way of using timecode lighting software to link with his guitar pedal device.


I can only summise that he will need to use an internet tablet, wifi linked to both his guitar pedal via a midi interface of some sort and the lighting software.


Does nobody make a simple solution for band lighting with audio triggering, and timecode.


Any suggestions appreciated.




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Easiest answer is the LanBox LCX.


The pedal (I'm assuming its a VoiceLive Extrreme as that is the only model that mentions backing tracks) manual is quite light on the MIDI features, but the LanBox accepts most useful things MIDI wise.


But, and its a big but - the VoiceLive although able to play backing tracks, apparently cant output either MTC or MIDI clocks, so there is no synchronization of beats downstream of the VoiceLive. And it looks like it can only send MIDI info when a footswitch is pressed, or when a footswitch change has been recorded to the integrated track player thing. So as a master device for an automated show, it looks pretty crap.


The VoiceLive can accept sync from something else over MIDI, so its probably a better slave than a master.

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Easiest answer is the LanBox LCX.


The pedal (I'm assuming its a VoiceLive Extrreme as that is the only model that mentions backing tracks) manual is quite light on the MIDI features, but the LanBox accepts most useful things MIDI wise.


But, and its a big but - the VoiceLive although able to play backing tracks, apparently cant output either MTC or MIDI clocks, so there is no synchronization of beats downstream of the VoiceLive. And it looks like it can only send MIDI info when a footswitch is pressed, or when a footswitch change has been recorded to the integrated track player thing. So as a master device for an automated show, it looks pretty crap.


The VoiceLive can accept sync from something else over MIDI, so its probably a better slave than a master.


So could I use something else as a show controller, ie and I pad or similar. ?

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