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Badger Opus 70


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Hi all,


A friend of mine has just acquired (and yes, it is a friend of mine, not "me but not wanting to admit it") a "Badger Opus 70 PA Amplifier and a pair of speakers, for his village hall.

Me, being the inquisitive one, went to look out the specifications and power output, but there's nothing marked on either the amp or speakers except on the speaker outputs where it stated "Speakers, 4-16 ohms" (or something along those lines). Its a 4 channel mixer amp with input volume per channel, then Bass and Treble controls and a third knob marked "Presence"

I've tried the good old route of Googling them and cant find a single shred of information, it just brings up expired Gumtree adverts and stuff about guitar amps where the logo is the same (the word "Badger" in the shape of a Badger), so I thought I would turn to the years of knwledge, experience and expertise that is this forum!


Can anyone help?





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