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MX-10 Focusing


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Hello all you out there. I have a small problem with one of my MX-10 lights. Well, from the title I guess that you can tell what it is. But if not, my MX-10 is not focused, and I do not know how to focus it. It started about a year ago, and since then it has only gotten worse! Can anybody out there help me. Here are some things that I have done to remedy the problem that have yet to work:


1. aligned 3 screws on back of unit

2. reseated the lamp


Anybody got any other suggestions?

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according to Martin, the MX10 has a motorised focus... I don't know if that means that its included in your DMX channels


failing that, have you looked at the lense? on many of the MX range there is a turnable collar to change the focus output

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1. aligned 3 screws on back of unit

The screws on the back are for lamp alignment / optimisation.


The arc/filament in every lamp is in a slightly different position due to production tolerances, and so when you install a new lamp you have to adjust its position to get maximum light output and a nice even field*.


For most moving lights you'd strike the unit, and point it straight at a surface in open white, iris open, zoomed all the way out, focus as sharp as you can get it, and then twiddle the screws until you get a pool as bright and as even as possible.


The MX-10 has DMX-controllable focus. Get hold of the manual (here), and you'll see that channel 6 controls the focus.

So if your unit is set to start at DMX channel 1, then Channel 6 in that universe alters the focus.

If it's set to start at channel 14, DMX channel 19 controls focus et cetera.


Enjoy! (And try reading the manual before asking questions about a unit!)


(*There are situations where you might want a 'peaky' field in a generic. You don't want one in an intelligent fixture because it may cause overheating.)

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