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convert zero 88 dimmers from analogue to dmx


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greetings one and all


I have in my possession two 6 10amp channel beta packs made by zero88.

They are at this time being run by a prehistoric analogue desk which has really seen better days.


we are in the process of buying a DMX desk.


Is there a gizmo (technical term) which can be put into the beta packs to make it compatible with a DMX signal or is it a case of buying new DMX dimmers - if so which ones would the esteemed panel suggest for running par 64's and a couple of blinders


as ever remaining your humble servant



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There are two companies that do de-multiplex boxes that I know of. Zero 88 do a demux 24 a DMX to 24 channels of analogue control for about £360.00. The other is pulsar they do a 18 channel DMX/rs232/MIDI to analogue for around the £230.00. THe pulsar unit will need to have the connection leads modified as they don't wire there control the same as most of the other manufactures.


Hope this helps



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