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Power Amplifier


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Tis your money of course...but I'd urge caution using the phrases "mobile use" and "cheap as possible" in the same sentence.


Cheap gear is usually cheap for a reason....and a lack of durability and reliability is often one of the reasons.



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I really would encourage you to buy the most expensive amp that you can afford. Budget stuff has its uses but can you really afford to tell a client that you cant DJ for them due to your amp being damaged in the back of teh van.


Reliabilty comes at a price, think of it this way the more you spend now the less you have to spend later fixing the budget amp or even buying a new one.


I know with mobile djing the aim is too try and keep the money that you are spending low but spend more now and you will saves £100s in the long run . :blink:

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Reliabilty comes at a price, think of it this way the more you spend now the less you have to spend later fixing the budget amp or even buying a new one.



As the saying goes...


You buy cheap, You buy twice


I found out the hard way. (though my stuff's not bad)

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