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Panes of sugar glass


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If your need is for flat sheet and money is tight (amateur/community theatre) you can make your own. Make some clear toffee with granulated sugar and water and put it out onto a flat tray such as a swiss roll tin. Once it is cool and set, it can be used as 'glazing'. This stuff is hydroscopic and will absorb water from the air and become quite sticky after a few days. Any person who is good at sugar cookery should be able to help you with the details.
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That's an interesting idea. We are an amateur theatre, but we don't have quite the constraints that some amateur companies have to often work under (e.g. hiring a glaciator for a fortnight wasn't out of the question for a show that required one scene with heavy low fog). Nonetheless, it's worth bearing in mind.


As it happens, the set designer is now looking at an alternative, but I'll pass everyone's comments on.


Thanks again.,

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