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Wheeled staircase/treads - pair of


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Hi all

This is a bit of a long shot, but I'm hoping somebody has already had this idea and therefore built what we need.


For panto this year we're looking at having a riser across the full width of upstage. Height is undecided but lets say 4ft ish (we could tweak it to suit the steps we got). We're hoping to vary the look of the stage from scene to scene by moving the staircases that come down from this riser. For example in the opening number and finale we'd have them pushed together to give a wide, central staircase. We could then move them out and turn them sideways so the staircases point across the stage (so a large top step to act as a landing would be useful). We could then put them back to back (top steps together) with the steps going down in opposite directions.


So we really need a pair of 4 or 5 tread steps, be them timber of anything else for that matter, that are fitted with wheels and brakes (maybe a lifting mechanism that drops them on to the stage to stop them moving).


I'm hoping that somebody, somewhere, has already built a set and now has them sat gathering dust. We could collect and I think we'd be pretty happy to buy or hire them. Cash won't stretch to commissioning a set to be professionally built from scratch.


If there aren't any available then we'll go ahead and build our own - we have the skills needed, but I was just hoping to save a bit of work!








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