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MagicQ on Windows 7 - keeps locking up


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Just downloaded MagicQ PC and installed it on a laptop running Windows7.

It is giving me a lot of grief by randomly locking up faders in 'Simple' panel mode.

And it sometimes won't recognise the MagicQ DMX dongle despite unplugging and replugging.


Any suggestions what could cause this?

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Are you using the fixture test in Simple panel mode? If so there where a couple of problems with testing of certain attributes in simple mode in the current stable version, this is now fixed in the current beta version

Regarding the MagicDMX, Do you have the Full or Basic Interface? What are the LED's doing on the MagicDMX when you it doesn't connect?





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Hi James,


Just using the faders to bring up channels.

I can move the knob but randomly the level won't change. Even hitting 'CLR' only resets the fader positions but not the output.

I'll download the beta version and see if that fixes the problem.


I have a Basic MagicDMX. LED's do different things, sometimes only one flashes, slowly, sometimes they alternate slowly.

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I'm using on Windows 7 (no dongle attached when my problems arise but I have both full and basic). I don't have Roderick's problem but have a couple of my own.


My first one is merely annoying. When I boot the software and am asked if I want to continue the last show it defaults to a show from some time ago and not the one which I am currently working on. I have to select the .shw file from either the HDD or USB stick and then all is fine. As I said, annoying but not too much of a problem.


The other one is that when patching, the desk crashed a couple of times. I can't replicate the problem now so will have to play some more. Everything ran fine during the show but there was definitely a problem whilst patching. For reference, I am a simple soul and only using simple generic fixtures - no movers!!

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I am having the same fader locking problem as Roderick except on Windows 10 with v1.6.6.8 when using the simple view (all patched as dimmers).


Faders 1-3 work fine. When fader 4 is pushed up, it "sticks" at a certain value and will not come back down. The value is indicated in the number above the fader as well as being output on DMX. Faders 1-3 and 8+ then don't work at all. If I put fader 5 up, 4 goes back to zero but then 5 sticks at a value. Faders 4-5-6-7 show this behaviour.


Edit: this problem is not fixed in the beta, it is just the same

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Hi All,

Not a all, we have recreated the problem with simple view here. We had put a fix in for fixture testing in the current beta version, but hadn't seen this one!

We're working on a fix for this now and hope to have this fixed for our next release version


I'll update here further once we have this.



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