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Soundcraft VSi Remote Android


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I have recently contacted soundcraft about the availability of their VSi remote for Android and have been told that it will not be possible. I was just wondering if anyone knows of an app which will work or has built a port for Android?


Many Thanks,


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Soundcraft's perpetual stubbourness on the lack of availability of ViSi remote for Windows and Andriod has been frustrating many of us since they announced the version for Mac.


As far as I am aware, there aren't any 3rd party apps available that will work. That said, I haven't done a massive amount of digging over the last few months so there may well be an app out there that I don't know about.

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Unfortunately Soundcraft, and I assume other manufactures, are unwilling to release and details of communication protocols or data storage formats. This makes any third party software virtually impossible.


I would like to start working on an open source off line configuration utility for the SI series console




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Aren't I right in thinking that the only desks supported for Android are the Behringer/Midas X32/M32/XR, and minor 3rd party support for A&H QU?


Very disappointing, but the market goes where it's easiest, sadly...

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Behringer have yet to release an official Android app for X32/M32, but the protocol is open-source and someone has made a very good 3rd party app called Mixing Station. The official Android app has been "coming soon" ever since the X32 came out.
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Hmmm - my comment got thrown away.


Android is a very fragmented platform, and it has some major problems getting security updates out to its users (see Stagefright, for example). So it's perhaps not surprising that app developers stay in the somewhat safer walled garden of iOS for niche apps.


Portable Windows doesn't quite have the traction. Yet.

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Aren't I right in thinking ............ and minor 3rd party support for A&H QU?


A&H's QU-You (the simple monitor mix app) has an official 'droid version. I'm not aware of any 3rd party apps for the QU.

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I think it's rather unfair to accuse the Soundcraft developers of being lazy. The decision not to develop control software for Android will not have been theirs, it will have been a financial and marketing led decision. Take time to look at the massive software and firmware upgrades those "lazy" developers have brought to both the Vi & Si desks during their lifetime.






Edit: I think it is equally unfair to edit your post to considerably change its content without having the courtesy to acknowledge that you have done so.

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I think it's rather unfair to accuse the Soundcraft developers of being lazy. The decision not to develop control software for Android will not have been theirs, it will have been a financial and marketing led decision. Take time to look at the massive software and firmware upgrades those "lazy" developers have brought to both the Vi & Si desks during their lifetime.






Edit: I think it is equally unfair to edit your post to considerably change its content without having the courtesy to acknowledge that you have done so.


Massive software and firmware updates, and still the Vi6 at work has buttons that have no function, and a fairly useless remote app.

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Is the answer not to just simply buy an iPad? The cost of one compared to the rest of a rig is pretty small, or just pick one up on Ebay, none of the remote apps need the latest hardware...
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Is the answer not to just simply buy an iPad?

Or, if it is such a big issue, just choose a different digital mixing platform, one that works the way OP wants to!


I believe this is called "voting with one's wallet".

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