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Pioneer DJM 7/800 fader issues


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Afternoon all,


Hoping someone has run in to the same issue a venue I look after is having. On 2 of their mixers (1x DJM 700 / 1x DJM 800) there are 3 channels in total that are displaying the same fault.


There is no sound / activity on the monitor LEDs to display a presence of sound. All other channels operate OK - I have only done a visual inspection and test, havent had the mixer apart - but I've never come across this issue before? Wondering if it may be the fader PCB as that seems to be the most obvious common factor? If anyone has had this issue - and resolved it - I'd appreciate some advice, as the only parts I have in stock currently are the line faders (no PCBs), before I do a spares order. It's worth mentioning that the faders don't look / feel particularly worn on first glance.


Thanks in advance.



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the DJM mixers have a self-test routine that checks the faders, gains, meters etc.


For the DJM800 for instance, power off, hold HARMONIC, FADER START 1, CUE 1 and power on. Hold the buttons till the test screen appears, this starts with the firmware version on the display.


Then scroll through the menus using the TAP key until you get to FDR TEST


Operating the faders will bring the led bar graphs up and down at the same time. This will tell you if the pcb is receiving the VCA voltages from the faders.




Pioneer changed the procedure on the DJM700 just to confuse matters, but this time you hold FADER START 1, FADER START 2, CUE 1 then power-on.

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