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strand genius software (lbx/gsx)


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Just a small post hoping someone may be able to shed some light on upgrading the genius software for the strand gsx/lbx.


I keep my lbx as a spare but it only has the 50 channel software, to buy 150 channels strand want to charge me £750!


I think its outrageous considering the age of the desk, does anyone have the software or know of any alternative??


thanks peeps

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Your problem is that the software is already in there. Your £750 buys you a code that unlocks it, allowing it to be used. It's a complete rip-off, I agree, but the only way to beat the system is to work out the code and it's umpteen numbers and letters long and, I would suspect, related to your board (so using someone else's code wouldn't work).


Sorry. You either have to pay the money or find someone who knows how the codes work and buy them a coupla drinks!



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It's true that the way that Strand charge for software is a complete rip-off - £750 would get you a floppy disk with a code on it, which would 'unlock' the software that already lives in your console. They've been getting away with this for years, unfortunately. I don't know of any other console manufacturer who will sell you a console in which the software is restricted, and then charge you many hundreds of pounds in extra charges just to 'unlock' that software so that the console can be used to its maximum capability. Why don't they just charge a little extra for each and every console in the first place, and ship them all with the software fully enabled? I've never been able to work that out.


A recent example springs to mind .... a venue I know of, which over the last thirty or so years has spent what must amount to hundreds of thousands of pounds on Strand desks, dimmers and lanterns (a loyal customer if ever there was one), has three 500-series consoles and two iPaq remotes. The way these remotes work is that the software for the PDA is free, but you have to pay for the code to enable a console for use with it (which they'd already done for two consoles, one per iPaq). They wanted to enable the third console (which is used as a touring desk and a remote stalls control for the other two) so that the iPaqs could also be used with it when required. Even after lots of bargaining via the venue's chosen Strand reseller, it still ended up costing them £500 just to get a disk with the unlock code to activate the third console! "Daylight robbery" is an expression that springs immediately to mind.


Having said all that .....


[Moderator mode]

What you are doing in your post, strandgsx, is tantamount to asking for assistance with software piracy. After some discussion among the moderators, we are leaving your post up on this occasion as you have not specifically asked for a software 'crack' of any sort - but the Blue Room definitely does not condone any sort of piracy, or the discussion of such matters on the forum.

[/Moderator mode]

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Agreed with JSB and Gareth's suggestions of 'daylight robbery' - you couldn't call it much else.


What migth be worth doing is buy another LBX with all 125 channels (about £1k 2nd hand, so not much more) and then selling your one. If you have the funds to do this, it may well work.




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Agreed with JSB and Gareth's suggestions of 'daylight robbery' - you couldn't call it much else.


What migth be worth doing is buy another LBX with all 125 channels (about £1k 2nd hand, so not much more) and then selling your one. If you have the funds to do this, it may well work.






What a fantastic idea! Good thinking Stu. Maybe everyone who has the same problem should do the same thing then they'd have to re-think their policy.



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