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Tascam 133


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The capstan belt in one of my Tascam 133 cassette players has gone gooey and needs replacing.

Normally that shouldn't be a problem except that I can't work out how to get the drive mechanism out of the box.

I have removed all the screws that normally hold it in place and can move it around, just not enough to take it out.

Any hints how to do this?


Tascam 133

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The capstan belt in one of my Tascam 133 cassette players has gone gooey and needs replacing.

Normally that shouldn't be a problem except that I can't work out how to get the drive mechanism out of the box.

I have removed all the screws that normally hold it in place and can move it around, just not enough to take it out.

Any hints how to do this?


Tascam 133


You are not doing very well for replies on this are you, unfortunately it is too long since I took one apart to be of any help, sold the machines and the workshop manual some years ago. The only thing I will say is it must have been relatively straight forward because I did it. I assume you have removed the removable front to the cassette door which may give you a bit more access, slides up and unclips IIRC. Tascam 112 and 122 casstte machines may well have the same mechanism if any one is familiar with them.


Out of interest are you using them as a 3 track machine, using the cue track for something?

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Thanks Baz, I'll keep searching until I find a service manual.


For some reason the mechanism and the way it is mounted is completely different from other Tascam / TEAC machines.


Not using the 3rd track, they are just really solid and well sounding machines for transfers.

Used the control track once for a slide show using SAV's and a dissolve. Oh, those days of fun!

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Thanks Bazz.

Actually bought the PDF version last Saturday. Unfortunately it doesn't show the replacement of the capstan belt, only a, exploded view of the machine...

The scan quality is pretty average which makes it difficult to work out details.

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Well, I have managed to replace the belt in my machine and it is running beautifully again.


But I also have to say that this model must be the worst designed and mechanically most backward piece of equipment I have ever worked on. Makes a Philips N-1500 VCR a pleasure to work on.

The amount of stuff that needs to be pulled apart to get to the capstan wheel is ridiculous.

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