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Do I need a Hauling Line + a Load Out Line ?

Reddy Red

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Hello I'm new to the rigging game ( I have worked in various event roles for 14 years). I'm self employed and have paid for my rigging course and PPE off my own back. My budget for equipment is reasonably tight (without compromising on quality) and I am buying rigging gear bit by bit whilst working other jobs.


My conundrum at the moment is that I presumed that I would just need one rope to do rigging, but I have discovered through research that there is a hauling line and a load out line - when I was on the phone to a rigging supplies company they were suggesting I needed the 2 which will obviously double my rope budget (or there abouts !).



So my question to the experienced riggers on this forum is:

do I actually need a Hauling Line + a Load Out Line ? Can I get away with 1 ? how many ropes do you have ?

I'm wondering if I'm been given the hard sell ?


Thanks in advance http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif

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I use at least 3 ropes -


1) The one I use for personal suspension/climbing/access - literally the rope I trust with my life

2) a general hauling line for lifting and positioning stuff

3) the rope I let anyone else touch when they ask for a piece of rope


How many ropes you need (and indeed harness types, caribs, strops, slings, lanyard and all the other gizmos in the climbing world) all depend on what you're rigging and where - throwing up a few generic lanterns in an old theatre needs a completely different set of personal rigging tools to installing a Tightrope in a football stadium. You need to start by identifying the market you're actually going to be working in and tooling up for that.

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You're not being given the hard sell necessarily, but you can get away with just the one for starters. Some prefer to use the one rope for everything anyway.


The norm for two ropes is to use a big fat solid-braid (derby rope) for hauling up, and a 10.5 or 11mm semi-static (LSK) for lowering. Long term that's more economical, as the lowering will wear a solid braid quite quickly - LSK is more hard wearing and cheaper to replace. You may also find a fat fluffy solid-braid a tad too frictiony for smooth lowering (which, especially while you're still working on your technique, can be a real pain for the ground rigger).


If you're working in taller and shorter venues, before long you'll quite likely find yourself wanting a couple of different lengths also. It's a nuisance working with a rope way too long for the roof you're in, but obviously you can't use one too short either.


If you're just looking to get the one rope, you'll probably want that to be the big solid braid rather than the 11mm LSK.

(Or you could split the difference and use something like a 14 or 16mm braid-on-braid marine rope.)


Edit to add (in the light of ITom's reply above):


I'm assuming you're talking about your run of the mill rock & roll rigging malarky - no roped access, no tightropes in football stadiums (wtf?), mostly just motors & trusses in theatres, music venues and on festival stages.


I do most of my work with about 8 ropes - 20m ish, 25m ish and 30m ish solid braid and LSK ropes for ins and outs (mostly) in the arenas of the North of England, and a couple of shorties that are more convenient in some quirky little venues closer to home. I've been at it a while though, and accumulated that lot over time. No way I'd dash out and buy all that on day one!

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The riggers at the O2 london use a 16mm fluffy solid braid rope for hauling up. The length will be determined on the venue you work in. As Seano says if you are starting out the just get a long one that will cover all venues (35m would be a good length. its long enough to be used in all venues inc allowing for a knot to be tied.). More experienced riggers working all the time opt for a few different lengths as lugging a long rope round a roof that isnt very high is a PITA.


The O2 riggers use the Beal Baobab rope. Its an aboricultre designed rope. 14mm and has a thick robust outer core. When lowering points out of arena roofs you use the beam edge as a friction device to help. The Beal rope is excellent in resisting the extra wear and heat on the rope in this instance. It isnt cheap by the way.

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Thank You to Imagineer Tom, Seano & TrussMonkey (great name btw !) - you have all given valuable info.


Yes, I'm focussing on rock n roll / festival / theatre work.



Based on the facts that you suggest getting shorter ropes than I 1st imagined and I got a tax rebate the other day - suddenly my rope budget is looking healthy again - Happy Days http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif


Thanks again guys - Cheers









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