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icon I-key not working in QLab


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Hi all,


I have recently purchased an icon I-key midi controller to use with Q-lab and I can't get it to work! Q-lab receives the midi signal fine when I 'capture' it but doesn't play the audio. Any one have any ideas?

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Where are you capturing the midi request? In the cue or in the workspace settings?


You need to enable Musical Midi Control in the workspace settings and set it to channel 1.


Also try toggling require a key up before arming go.



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Hi Pete!


I've got it working now! I hadn't set the velocity to 'any' http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/blink.gif




Where are you capturing the midi request? In the cue or in the workspace settings?


You need to enable Musical Midi Control in the workspace settings and set it to channel 1.


Also try toggling require a key up before arming go.






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Glad you got it working, I always find with QLab its the obvious that stops it working not something fundamental.


If you can customise the midi strings sent from your controller these are worth noting as they are the standard built in QLab midi messages for certain functions:


F0 7F 00 02 10 01 F7 go

F0 7F 00 02 10 13 F7 plus

F0 7F 00 02 10 14 F7 minus

F0 7F 00 02 10 08 F7 stop


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