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d3 media server


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Hello everyone,

my company could buy a media server - probably only the software part - and was attracted by d3 technologies.

I dowloaded the demo and looks to me that the principal advantage is the wysiwyg part, but I really can't tell if it is actually "superior" to other softwares.

Until now I worked with resolume and arkaos, working on just 1 output, so my experience is limited, and I don't know if d3 is useful only on big project and a waste on small works.

Any advice or better description of the software?

Thanks a lot

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d3 Designer (software only) is not a media server - it is purely an offline editor. D3 is an integrated hardware and software platform - it is not useable in a show context without their hardware. D3's method of operation was fairly unique - there are a few other pieces of software doing the same thing now. It's main strength comes in working with multiple surfaces in a 3d space. Previously that was not something you worked with in a wysiwyg manner - the designer was required to mentally composite and figure out scaling and positioning - manually setting x, y and (potentially) z positions and scales. D3 turns that on it's head by saying "position your surfaces in 3d space, then tell me where the projectors are - we will figure out the rest".


d3 is awesome but it is not a cheap option and probably not what you want in a first media server. If you are new to media servers, start off with one of your more traditional ones like Pandoras Box, mBox, Catalyst, Arkaos, Resolume etc.

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