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gain / trim / sen problem


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Hi all. Got a mixer amp & its got a few issues. 1st. when you turn the gain / trim control down to .0.

so you have no signal going in. & then turn up the volume slider on that channel you have music playing as if the gain/trim was turned halfway up

I thought that if this gain/trim was turned down no signal from any input would get through


2nd problem...when you turn the the powered mixer on most of the LED's flash & then its on & starts up normally ...what would cause these faults?

Any info would be a great help..

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It would be very rare for a gain pot to take a signal right down to zero - there would never be any point in it doing that. Does the labelling just run from 0 to 10 or is it something more useful in dB?

It's not unusual for LEDs to flash when you first turn kit on - it's just the power supply rails settling down and the control circuitry starting up.

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If all the channels do exactly the same thing gain wise, then it's design, and just how it is. I've come across a few with the gain range simply enabling mics or instrument, and really acting as a trim - but if it sounds fine, and doesn;t change when you thump it, why worry? If channel 2 has more or less gain, then there's a fault.


I agree with the LED thing totally - many devices flash an LED or two when the power supply fires up - again, consistency and not doing it randomly suggest it's just how it is.

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This is all pretty normal - look at mixer specs, they'll give an input gain range. The Mackie powered mixer (first one I found on t'internet) gives a gain range of -20 to +30 db on its line inputs. Turned fully down it will give an attenuation of 20db - so it will still sound fairly loud if you open the fader. Flashing LEDs on power up happens on a lot of kit.....
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Yup. Just to do a dreaded "me too" reply, if you think about the purpose of the channel gain, there's no good reason for it to go down to zero. Microphones always need some gain so, for them, the gain would typically go from, say, 20dB to 60dB of gain--but never down to zero audio passing through. Line inputs should in theory, be at the middle setting of the pot but it's pretty normal to add some gain or some cut...not down to no audio though.


As for meters flashing on switch on, that's totally normal and probably happens on more gear than it doesn't.

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