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Le Maitre Stadium Hazer


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I have an upcoming conference event being held in an arena and am looking at options for hazers.


I usually use Le Maitre MVS which I am very happy with; in particular with the relative lack of residue left in projectors compared to oil crackers. (LOTS of projection on this and I'm working through the video supplier...)





My regular supplier cannot do any MVS's for these dates but can do a pair of Le Maitre Stadiums which I have no experience of. I would prefer to use my regular supplier if possible.


The desired effect is to haze a space approximately 100m x 40m x 20m and keep it at a subtle level.


I would normally run at least two machines with them either side of the stage area with a heavy blast before the event to get coverage and then keep them on trickle throughout the event.


The emphasis is more on subtle enhancement of beams than on clouds of heavy haze. (I realise this generally the idea with haze anyway :blink:)





The MVS normally suits this style well although this venue is somewhat larger than I typically use them in.





So the question is; do you think the Stadium a good choice? I know it is more than capable of chucking out heaps of haze but will it also tone down to a nice gentle output when needed?




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I'll start with saying I have no experience with the stadium hazer, but I do with the MVS, and I love those hazers!


I would assume that it would be of the same kind of quality, and I guess its the version up from the MVS?


Can you get them in advance and have a play? Or maybe give the guys at Le Maitre a ring and see what they have to say!


I must admit that I've never come across them on any of the bigger shows I work, so I wonder if that maybe says something?

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I have an upcoming conference event being held in an arena and am looking at options for hazers.


I usually use Le Maitre MVS which I am very happy with; in particular with the relative lack of residue left in projectors compared to oil crackers. (LOTS of projection on this and I'm working through the video supplier...)





My regular supplier cannot do any MVS's for these dates but can do a pair of Le Maitre Stadiums which I have no experience of. I would prefer to use my regular supplier if possible.


The desired effect is to haze a space approximately 100m x 40m x 20m and keep it at a subtle level.


I would normally run at least two machines with them either side of the stage area with a heavy blast before the event to get coverage and then keep them on trickle throughout the event.


The emphasis is more on subtle enhancement of beams than on clouds of heavy haze. (I realise this generally the idea with haze anyway :blink:)





The MVS normally suits this style well although this venue is somewhat larger than I typically use them in.





So the question is; do you think the Stadium a good choice? I know it is more than capable of chucking out heaps of haze but will it also tone down to a nice gentle output when needed?








The S/H is quite flexible; although there are two tubes that deliver an immense amount of haze, you can run it using just one of them, and at a low level which is about the same as an MVS

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Thanks for the info, I decided to give them a go anyway.

I know the haze type causes minimal residue in the projectors which is my biggest concern.

If you need any more help, e-mail me; steve.lloyd@lemaitreltd.com

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