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d&b v series


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Hello All,


There's not very much on the forums about people with or that have used V in different situations. Has anyone had any experience?


I am quite potentially interested in a rig of 6x V8 with 2x V12 flown a side, 4 or 6 V Subs a side with possibly J Infra.. It goes without saying listen before you buy, however I am keen to know what people have had experience of. Use would mainly be rock & roll, festivals with occasionally the need to ground stack.


What situations and formats have people had experience of?


In anticipation..



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The V is a good box, it does what all the d&b stuff does well, consistent, loud and clear etc.


Personally, I do prefer the Kara in that size of box however. It's 26kg not 38, shorter (but a bit wider), still 2 way active (but a 2 way design, not the 3 of the V) but clearer and with that L-Acoustics voicing which I feel just helps a mix sit just that bit easier.


Combined with LA8 it's a killer setup, you're more than welcome to pop down and see ours if you'd like to get a feel for it, how we rack it etc.


We ground stack and fly equally as often and it manages it well. Plus, there's more Kara than V in this neck of the woods if you needed to sub more in.



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