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Does the funding system for the Arts work?


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Dear All,


I am currently embarking on my dissertation, which is examining the structure of the funding system for the Arts in the UK and analysing whether this is working effectively.


I'd be interested to hear from anyone who is directly involved in securing funding for their company and would be willing to answer a few questions about the means they use to do so. I am particularly interested in whether the steps taken in getting funding can compromise artistic policy (such as pandering to sponsor's suggestions), and whether too much emphasis is being placed on appealing to a commercial audience, losing sight of the 'art'.


If anyone has any opinions on this but is not directly responsible for funding, I'd still be interested to hear from you!


Just to clarify; I'm not asking anyone to write my dissertation for me, but research is all about gathering opinions and I'm asking for yours!


Many thanks,


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My boss thinks that funding should be mainly a voluntary thing, as in the US. Much of the US theatre is actually funded by people who want to see it and are rich enough to pay for it. Very little is government funded.


Obviously creating a culture of private funding is a ground-up idea, but it appeals to me.


This said, I have no clue where I'd start persuading industry to fund the arts.



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