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Looking for sounds similar


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I've done a few of those chord effects for various shows over the years. I've uploaded a couple HERE.


Neither is exactly the same but with some stretching and looping you might get something out of it. The first has a chord progression but you might be able to loop just a short part. The second gradually changes pitch as it goes--If I hunt around I may be able to find the original without the pitch change.


Feel free to use if either is any good to you.


(One was created in an early version of Sonar and the other is Ableton if you want to try doing your own by the way.)

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There is a genre of music that sounds like this - a search for "Band of Pain" on iTunes usually returns something worthwhile. Usual caveats about not being licence free would apply.


Band of Pain - November 1970 is usually my first choice for AS/A2 drama 'spooky drone music'

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