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Martin M1 ASCII ?


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Currently, there is no special piece of software that will magically convert an ETC Express show to an M-Series show. M-Series cannot currently read ASCII files either unfortunately.


The only way to do it is to re-program it. Or use the DMX IN functionality on the M1 to LOAD the DMX values into the programmer and re-store the cues.



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I think that most showfiles are exclusive to the board that programmed it really. I guess its easy enough to store a patch and a series of dimmer cues and output as an ascii file that can be read by another desk, but consider how each type stores and manipulates information - timings, offsets, fixture files, tracking etc I am not surprised its not possible. You will even get problems between desks of the same brand sometimes.
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Express(ion) Offline will convert Express(ion) show files into ASCII format, which can be read by many consoles.

It can also convert the other direction.


While I wouldn't do an ASCII transfer between console families and run the show immediately, this process gets you much, much further than DMX capture could theoretically manage.

- For a start, it gives you the patch and basic in/out/wait timing.


ETC Eos Family consoles have on-console ASCII export and import, while Congo and Cobalt are natively ASCII.

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