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Lighting Design

Ken Coker

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Lighting can indicate the passage of time very easily.

Using lighting to indicate a place in time is infinitely harder.


(Candidates may refer to the current touring production of "Insignificance", which is absolutely excellent. Please write on only one side of the universe.)

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A time of day (Dawn, dusk, night) can be easily conveyed by lighting.


An era (1920s, 1960s etc) is quite a bit harder.


What exactly did you mean by "a place in time".

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Lighting can indicate the passage of time very easily.

Using lighting to indicate a place in time is infinitely harder.


(Candidates may refer to the current touring production of "Insignificance", which is absolutely excellent. Please write on only one side of the universe.)



Who's been watching too much Dr Who then?


but seriously, lighting conditions demonstrably vary from place to place and it is possible to give a sense of place (eg "the middle of the forest") and time (eg "at 6.00pm").by referencing and imitating the real thing. Whether a specific place at a specific time can ever be solely indicated by lighting conditions is another question. I would argue that "lighting" can't exist in isolation , so that taken together with other sensory clues, a world (or indeed universe) can be created in the mind of the perceiver. More interesting perhaps is the fact that all these sensory elements can be combined by clever people in such a way as to elicit the same or very similar responses in many apparently different people - often indeed transcending boundaries of culture, language, age, etc etc.


(hope I've got all my spelling right!)

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