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free Visualization software


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Hi there.

I am hoping if you guys can give me some good suggestions for free 3D visualization software, please dont give links to pirated programs, but I need a good free program.


I work in a student theatre that focuses on musicals, this year we have a show in our national thatre. I would like to come prepaired because I will not have the same MH, and lighting fixtures that I use at home.

I tried 3D easy view from nicolaudie but it doesent work with art-net. tried capture polar but the student version does not have the fixtures I will be using.


any kind of free software will help.


cheers, Urban Bercic

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"Program your show on a chamsys just to get a free visualiser, then re-program on your own desk"....


Sounds like a great solution right there! ^


In all seriousness... All the usual vis packages have a free demo mode. If that isn't good enough, you are going to have to part with some cash I'm afraid. Unless your console came with a free visualiser or console edition.


If you are hiring the console, speak with your supplier and ask if they have any visualiser computers available, they may be able to include it as part of the package, or at least let you come into the office to use it for free - most are nice like that.



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It seems that SGM has a Wysiwyg Console Edition for Regia consoles,


Maybe you can contact SGM to get it?





Regia is discontinued. no more updates,no support. literally they dont even want to hear about it.When I was at the proLight+sound in munich I asked about it in person. they said SGM was italian when regia was made and now its Danish. so its a whole new firm.. Correct me if im wrong.

tried with wysiwyg and never quite got it to work.


About DEMO's:

Tried capture works great,loved it, really awsome software.

the problem is they have a time limit (2h), at the theatre I work in our current project is a musical, so I have a lot of unique PT paletes ant it takes me a lot of time.

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