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Our amateur company is putting on a production of Hairspray at the end of October.


Does anyone know if it's possible to obtain dummy hairspray cans that do spray something out that isn't actual hairspray as I assume that would be a health and safety issue or a fire hazard. If so where would we get them from ?






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Some shows just use cheap cans of real hairspray - it doesn't look very convincing, makes everything sticky and smells.


The "real" way to do it is to use a couple of cans of "smoke in a can" (http://www.maplin.co.uk/p/smoke-spray-in-a-can-na66w?gclid=CjwKEAjwg_afBRD3rpChlqiKt1ESJACwY6NkJYKB3A3zJR4FzyjHsqxWGZMIipJHqIb93r3Fsqm0oBoCiW3w_wcB) with a minor modification to the button to stop it "locking" on. These are used during the specific joke moments when there's a joke about how excessive everyone is spraying the stuff around as it makes a nice big cartoonish cloud of smoke that hangs well but vanishes quickly.


For the rest of the ensamble to use as background / dance routine spraying you want either saline in an aerosol (used for contact lens cleaning) where you just replace the jet nozzle with a spray one, or you want "cooling spray" (NOT injury freeze spray) which you can often find in Pound shops. Both of these produce a satisfying plume of "spray" but which vanishes almost instantly and doesn't leave any residue.


Obviously, print replacement lables out on A4 paper and glue them to the cans so they look like 100% authentic Ultraclutch :-p




(can you tell I've worked this show way too many times?)

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