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Crystal Pendulum

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I need to be able to make a crystal on a chain swing to one particular side on cue for a show...it is being held by an actor but she shouldn't move her hand at all...any ideas?!


Magnets and fishing wire are probably no goes from our attempts so far...unless anyone has any clever ideas..









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Piece of bent wire held vertically between finger and thumb. Crystal attached to other end. Initially the bend points back towards body or away from audience so appears vertical. Roll it round to make it point to wherever.
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I too thought of 'invisible dog lead'...


Alternatively, a magnet at the elbow of the arm that is holding the pendent. With a balance of magnet at the crystal end and the one at the elbow, you could make it react and hold mid swing with practice by slowly moving you elbow down. Very strong small neodymium magnets are now easily and cheaply available. In the magic world the proper effect is called a Raven and is regularly used to make things dance and 'disappear'.

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Piece of bent wire held vertically between finger and thumb. Crystal attached to other end. Initially the bend points back towards body or away from audience so appears vertical. Roll it round to make it point to wherever.

THIS is the solution, just takes a bit of coat hanger wire and practice from the cast member. You would need a SERIOUSLY strong magnet to achieve anything like the displacement you are looking for.

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