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RFID Error with Coloram2 Scroller


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Hello all,


I am looking for some input into resolving an issue I am having with one of my ColoramII Scrollers.


The unit has shut down and is non responsive. It is mid chain on its LX bar (all other units are working well) and sadly the classic, 'turn it off/turn it on' trick failed to resolve the issue.


Upon inspecting the Unit, an RFID ALERT is displayed on the onboard Alert Log. The unit has been replaced with a spare however, I need to have it working ASAP.


I checked numerous manuals relating to working with errors and all the information is very vague, especially with this RFID issue.


Any input would be highly appreciated.


Many thanks,



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I don't have one of these scrollers, but I assume you have read this manual.

The RFID is on the gel string and it seems that you can find out more about the nature of the problem by following the instructions on p16. It may be quite similar, even if this doesn't apply to your particular model.



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