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Moving heads and RF inteference


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Hello BR


Since moving to Ch38 I've noticed that when I'm programming (usually late at night when everyone else is asleep) my VLs will make the RF meters on my radio mic stack twitch. It's fairly wide-band; experimentation has revealed that it affects pretty much the entire range that the radios can tune to (612-630Mhz). They're not on the same phase although this venue isn't massive but I do have a considerable amount of kit hanging on the bars. At first I thought it might have been ballast whine but I have also have tungsten units and they can do it as well. It's not the movement that appears to be the issue; but as soon as I stick the VL500's dimmers up I start to see the effect.


When the radios are in use during a show it doesn't seem to be a problem; I've not had any drop-out as yet (touch wood) but I'm interested to see if anyone else has seen this. I certainly don't remember seeing it when we we running on Ch69/70.


All the best


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