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Problem with Sennheiser EW100 Receiver


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I have 2 EW100 systems and 2 EW300 Systems. One of the EW100 systems has a problem that I think will have to go back to Sennheiser if I want it fixed. I just wanted to hear others thoughts before I contact Sennheiser.

The receiver looks as if it's only receiving on CHI....CHII never illuminates when the mic / backpacks are moved around. I've changed aerials etc and backpacks / mics and I think eliminated other possibilities. has anyone ever had a unit do this before? I bought the units secondhand from a PA hire / AV company about 1.5 years ago and only really discovered the problem when I started using the fourth receiver more. It exhibits the problem as sudden drop-out as the receiver MUTES when it loses CHI signal. As I said, unlike the other receivers, CHII never illuminates. Any idea how much this would cost to sort out, as I might be better trying to buy just the receiver from Ebay and selling this one as part working / faulty.



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This looks like a fault in the diversity switching / sensing on the receiver



Which generation of evolutions are they?


The G1s had a known issue with the diversity switching which needed a new board fitted.

Even when the parts were still available it wasn't really an economic repair.


Another 2nd had receiver may be the best bet



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