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TLXtra & Cubase Midi Show Control


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Hey Gang,


Just a quickie,


Does anyone know of anyway of controlling the go function of a TLXtra console via midi show control fired from a midi track inside cubase,


Any advice would be great,


I can't afford the license for Qlab at the moment so otherwise I would use that,


Thanks folks,



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Have done this very thing but from Protools rather than Cubase. Firstly you need to go into Setup and set MIDI to On and then set a Device number. I use an el cheap MIDI interface that cost less than £5 from a well known on line shop. To prove that the TL was responding to MIDI I connected a MIDI keyboard and programmed a couple of subs and played these from the keyboard. Then it was just a case of getting Protools setup for MIDI or in your case Cubase . As I don't know Cubase I can't help you but what I will do later is post the actual hex commands I use .
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Sorry for the delay but I have had a lot of kit to prep for a show. The MIDI commands that have worked for me are as follows:-

To send a 'GO' command.




To 'GO' to specific Cue.


F0,7F,01,02,01,01,nn,nn,F7 where 'nn' = cue number in Hex. e.g. Cue 10 = 31,30 so


GoTo Cue 10 would be




GoTo Cue 8.5 would be:




I must add that I am by no means an expert on MIDI but this is my understanding of what each section means.


F0,7F denote the start of the data. Maybe someone with more knowledge than me can expand upon this ?


01, is the device number. This must be the same as set in the TL Xtra. You can use any number from 1 to 16.


02, denotes Real time Sysex message.


01, denotes that this is a general lighting command. 02 for example would be for moving lights.


01, is the 'Go' command


The next fields are the cue number in Hex.


2E, hex value for '.'


The next field is the Hex value for the number after the decimal point


F7, is the End of Data.


All the 2 Digit Hex number are comma separated.


As I have already said I am not a MIDI expert if anybody feels I have made any errors please correct me.



I hope this is useful.

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