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need help with 2x MOTU 828 mk3 w/ ProTools 9


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Hi There, just wondering if anyone here could shed some light on an issue I am coming across using:


2x MOTU 828 mk3 interfaces daisy chained using firewire -> going into Pro Tools 9 on an Apple Macbook Pro -> via a firewire to thunderbolt adaptor.


The MacBook and Pro Tools both recognise the 2x MOTUs however we only seem to be able to use the analogue inputs from one of them and only the digital inputs from the other when they are daisy chained.


we have the latest drivers for the interfaces.


we need to be able to use all analogue inputs from both interfaces simultaneously for this specific project.


does anyone know if this is indeed possible and where I am going wrong if it is?


if you need more tech info from our set up please just ask.





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Hi Joel


This is a fairly easy one fortunately. You need to go into your 'Audio/MIDI Setup' under system preferences, select both the interfaces, use the menus at the top to "Create Aggregate Device". This creates like a virtual soundcard which shares the inputs and outputs of both soundcards, and gives this virtual soundcard a name.


You can then select that virtual, aggregate soundcard from your hardware selection in Pro Tools, and use all the ins and outs simultaneously.


I've done it for years in Logic and it's very simple.



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