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Business Assignment


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Hey Guys!


Just wondering if anyone could give me some help.

As part of my business lessons, we have had to form a hypothetical business and I am struggling with the budget side of things. If anyone could give me some help on the income and expense side of things that would be great, and any information at all would be great.


The business we have formed is a small scale T.I.E touring company. We are struggling with what we need to cover and equipment we would need!!!


Any help would be great,




Marie xxx

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Insurance. Public Liability and Employerss liabiltiy, plus vehicle and building. Try about £15k/year for that lot.


Vehicle? Lease a Sprinter, about £400/Month. then it needs fuel.


Premises? 5000 sq Ft? About £25k year? Rough guess. Then rates and bills. Mobile phones for your staff, and a Laptop each too.


So that's a few of the costs to get up and running. But then you need the kit. How about a Sound System. Set aside about £60-80k for a top end one (we spent arround £70k on a meyer rig and A&H Desk.), less for something smaller.


Just a few thoughts.....

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Premises? 5000 sq Ft? About £25k year? Rough guess. Then rates and bills. Mobile phones for your staff, and a Laptop each too.


So that's a few of the costs to get up and running. But then you need the kit. How about a Sound System. Set aside about £60-80k for a top end one (

For TIE?


Insurance yes, probably all those Little DJ mentions

Vehicle why lease a new sprinter when purchase of a used minibus would be more appropriate, course you could lease one as well in which case Sprinter lease costs probably applicable.

Premisis all you would need is storage and some office space. Prices vary according to where you are, If you are attached to a school or college then you may have storage facilities there.

Rates and bills unfortunately we all have them.

Mobile phones? You dont need them at all with the possible exception of one for the on the road manager. Nor do you need a pile of laptops, one inthe office perhaps no need for any more as a startup group.

Soundsystems and other kit youre unlikely to need but you would rather spend cash on raw materials for whatever productions youre putting on, costumes etc. Chances are like other TIE groups you will have generic costumes etc & resuse as appropriate.

Other equimpment praps a cd player or mini disk player for playback of music

Low end video camera for archiving your productions.

SOme kind of crates or cases to carry costumes & other sundries in.

Musical instruments - most TIE s Ive come accross have goodly supplies of musical instruments usually of the bang it thumpit variety. Bear in mind that things like musical instuments and materials for costume manufacture can usuall y be picked up from local school scrap schemes. If your TIE group is part of the scheme and I would imagine you would be if you could find one within travelling distance then anything you take from it is free.


Hope that helps some .

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'scuse my ignorance but what is TIE? (Other than something I don't wear around my neck anymore)


MikeR - as far as the original poster's question this is a hypothetical business - so is more concerned with the types of expense which could be incurred as opposed to how you could most economically get a startup going.


In addition to the items already discussed you should budget for some marketing/advertising expenses. You should also consider some salary costs too.


On the income side - you'll be looking for hire fees or performance fees I guess.

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TIE THeatre in Education.


MikeR - as far as the original poster's question this is a hypothetical business - so is more concerned with the types of expense which could be incurred as opposed to how you could most economically get a startup going.


Exactly, your point?

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