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Stage lighting for live band (Church Service)


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Hello! Me and my team are wanting to add lights to our stage (for Worship) to have better lighting. We also want some Multi-colored LED lights to add some drama into our music. No one on our team is a professional lighting expert, which is why I came to you. We really don't know what we need but we are being open-minded. I took some pictures of different angles of what we have to work with:













I hope you guys can recommend something for me! Thanks!

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Hi. I think you may need to give us some more information before we can offer proper help, as your current question could have a rather large range of possibilities!


Most basically, roughly what sort of budget, power and existing infrastructure do you have? If there are already lighting bars and a control desk (which there don't seem to be from the pictures), you'll need far less than if not.


If there's currently not anything there, you'll need to look at lighting stands and also some dimmers. And then for LEDs, you may need a more complex lighting desk than for simple things.



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Hi. I think you may need to give us some more information before we can offer proper help, as your current question could have a rather large range of possibilities!


Most basically, roughly what sort of budget, power and existing infrastructure do you have? If there are already lighting bars and a control desk (which there don't seem to be from the pictures), you'll need far less than if not.


If there's currently not anything there, you'll need to look at lighting stands and also some dimmers. And then for LEDs, you may need a more complex lighting desk than for simple things.




I will get back to you about all of that information. As far as a control desk/booth We have an audio booth with a big mixer and other things. So that is not a problem. Thanks for the reply and I will get back to you about that information soon!

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Hi I deal with a lot of churches in the UK I notice that your state side which changes a lot of things. the market is very different over here to what it is over in the states ( I speak from experience in working in the states).

from looking at your pictures I would look at having something installed in the roof behind or projector as to not effect your projector.

Kit wise there are hundreds of possible options. if you are looking for straight colour washes I would look into some LED Par Fixtures these come in a range of types and quality as well as having some white lights to lift the performance area.

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I've put the images in so it makes a bit more sense.


First thing for me would be what are you going to attach the lights to? Presumably there will be suitable points above that can have some truss or bars attached to? If this is ok, I suspect I'd use truss in a similar shape to the raised section which would be sympathetic to the layout - and maybe even another, further away, but bigger. I'm a little surprised you find the PA works that well - with your speakers so widely spaced, but maybe you could also move the speakers to the truss too?


You want multi coloured LED kit - but what do you want it to do? Your layout looks bright and clean - is the idea to be able to have controlled light? So you can drop the level on the congregation and bring it up on the things you want people to look at. If your musical elements change frequently, then you would appear to need the ability to change the focus - so depending on your budget you can do this different ways.


Moving lights tend to be in two main types nowadays. Those that throw a wider splodge of light, and can wash larger areas in thousands of colours. These are great, and vary in price from very modest, to expensive. However - if you wanted to pick up a single person standing with others - so the person preaching, perhaps - then a wash will probably spread too much. The other type has a more defined beam, and the cheaper units are fixed beam widths, while more expensive ones can vary the beam spread. For the music purposes, the needs are very similar, being able to pick out the individual musicians AND/OR all of them, again in colours. Your stage area isn't huge so half a dozen wash and half a dozen spot could be quite useful.


This is assuming you're willing and able to put in at least pipes to hang the kit off. In your room, trying to do any of this with any form of ground support will be tricky. You could do it, but it would look simply horrible. Depending on what is above the ceiling tiles, some simple form of drop - often threaded studs, could be quite easy - and then maybe some white painted pipes that would look nice. You'll need to get electricity and control up to the pipes, but that's not a major snag.


Have a think about your budget and we can think it through a bit further,

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Thanks for all of your inputs! Apparently we have a light controller. I have no idea of what kind it is thought.. I am kind of overwhelmed at the amount of information you guys are giving me. I will take more pictures of the Audio booth that we have, what lights we have already and of the light controller. I will get back to you guys shortly. I will take the pictures in a few days for Wed. night service. Thanks for all the help and I'll be back a little more prepared.


Edit: He is not wanting to spend over$1,000 on this..

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Yes - does seem a shame the budget is pocket money rather than serious. The room looks nice, but has no built in facilities for lighting - so you need to buy lighting equipment, but have nothing to attach it to, or anything to connect it to power or control. You've effectively split your $1000 into three already, and I'm not sure how much things cost in the US, but $300 buys little from an electrician - over here, 100m of cable is now an amazing price! Just a couple of pipes involves getting in proper access equipment, and again, your budget hardly covers the cost of fitting, let alone the actual hardware. $300 of lighting isn't much if you have to buy the actual light sources and a control system?


It does look like the only type of thing you will get for your budget is what Piza suggests - a few things dangling from T-Bar stands - and being low, it will look like a cheap disco. It will have colour and flash prettily but in terms of making it look better, It may well end up looking like a cheap wedding reception - NOT good.

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Unless you want to use portable equipment you are talking a major project here. The last time, in 2011, I had a simple scheme like you might want quoted for, by a reputable company in the UK of course, the price came to £8,400 installed. That my computer tells me is $14,000. The only way to go about it is to find local suppliers and ask them to prepare schemes against a number of alternative budgets.
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$1000 would get you some short LED battens to set on floor front/back of each column to uplight the back wall or columns in any colour along with the power and DMX control cabling. It would only be effective if all other lights were fairly subdued. That would be without any installation costs so simply leads taped down to floor. Not a great long term solution
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$1000 would get you some short LED battens to set on floor front/back of each column to uplight the back wall or columns in any colour along with the power and DMX control cabling. It would only be effective if all other lights were fairly subdued. That would be without any installation costs so simply leads taped down to floor. Not a great long term solution


That's what I'd do. Sit some LED battens or LED par cans on the floor. ADJ or Chauvet make good ones, if you shop around you'd probably get 8 for your $1000. You can set them to a fixed colour using the controls on the back. Use some to light the back wall and columns, that should enhance the look of the stage. Use some to uplight the drum kit, guitarist, singers etc. It will just pick them out a bit from the background.

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Another thought. Does the Church (assuming it is a Christian House of Worship) have a three dimensional cross that can be placed in the central section ,possibly on a table or similar to give it extra height ? If so you could try a couple of LED floor pars in front and to the sides. This will then throw some interesting shadows behind with colour mixing for mood and the possibility of three crosses, useful at Easter. Add another couple of LEDS to light the panel behind will increase the possibilities. A lot of trial and error I think would be needed and I am not sure the idea will work in your venue I am afraid.
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