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Red5 Audio RVD30 mic - Anyone used them?


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Hi all


I've just bought some RVD30 mics from Red5. I thought they were surprisingly good. Only "complaint" is that I though the pop filter could have been a little more effective.


Just wondering whether anyone else had any experience / opinions on this microphone?





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We've got 5 of them and think they are great. We have had no complaints once singers start using them, had a couple of people turn their noses up at them until they used them.


Only complaint so far is a couple of grilles have gone a bit rusty on the top, we've put it down to our old warehouse being a bit damp. In our new, much drier, place they don't seem to have gotten any worse or any others affected.


We've found we can get more gain before feedback compared to the older SM58s we used to use on vocals. Sound nice used in place of SM57s too.

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We bought the Red 5 RVK7 drum set with 2 additional RVD9 tom mics as Red5 also recommended these for e.guitar. We also bought 2 RV8 condensers and 2 RVD30s for vocals. I already have a few SM58s, 57s, a D112 and a few other bits kicking about.


I'm going to buy a wireless SM58 and probably a Beta 57a, and a beta 87a and a couple more RVD30s.


That should do us for the time being.


I like the RVD30 a lot and use one myself for vocals now with the Kate Bush trib - as tomscott says they do have a bit better gain before feedback than a 58. Build quality is fantastic and they are ridiculously cheap for how they perform and how well they are made.





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I have been banging on about rvd30's for a while now. as someone on a very tight budget, I tend to look for what will give me most for my money and these fit the bill. I must have been using them for nearly 2 years now. on an analogue desk they show a little less detail but the trade off with gain is worth it. On a digital desk the detail blew me away, for the money.

I take issue with the comment they give a bit more gain before feedback. positioned correctly they give a LOT more gain. more than any other mic I have tried for vocals.

for vocals employing a low cut filter and/or rolling off the bottom end is a must. and I would agree that they could stand to be a little more pop resistant.

We now have 6 or so. we use them anywhere you would use an sm57 with equivalent or better results - guitar cabs, saxophone, some percussion and as a handy to have extra because it doubles as a vocal mic. very capable for backing vocals and my 'go-to' mic if I have a problem vocalist where I otherwise couldn't get sufficient gain. being hyper cardioid the vocals disappear if you step back to what would be a sm58 distance, so I brief singers to remember to stay closer to the mic.

the prices can be all over the place for them though - if you aren't pushed it's best to catch them at the end of the month and be on their mailing lists - they have silly offers sometimes.

the other thing is that at their cost, I'm not too worried about taking them into a bar environment.


I have had great results with their drum mics also - their rvd1 bass drum mic is not quite up to D112 standard but it's next best - and considering I picked mine up for about £30 direct from them, that makes them stunningly good value!

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