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slave video started by timecode

PDC Fireworks

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Im hoping someone can help me.


I am looking for some software that will play a video, controlled via a timecode audio source.


We current use a firework control system called Firebywire. This controls all our musical firework displays via their software. we sometimes do shows that require video projection. last year we only had the one projector which we projected on our water video screen. which the video was started by a simply press play at the start. though this did the job I noticed it was 1-2 sec out.


this year I have a project that will require 2 projectors displaying 2 different video sources. so its getting to complicated to simply press play and have the all in sync.


The only way our firing system will allow syncing with generic equipment is it allows outputs audio Left / Right one being the music the other is timecode.


I am trying to find some kind of video playback software that I can plug in a audio feed and control the video via timecode. is there anything anyone can recommend.

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looks perfect but are you sure it can slave using timecode as I phoned grass valley to make sure and they didnt think so. just waiting to hear back from them as they said they would give it a try. I hoping it does as I really like that product.


I do like the idea of hardware based.


so im open to hardware or software solutions now.



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Could be done with Catalyst (and pretty much any media server id imagine - Hippotizer Defiantely, others im not sure) and with its internal cue list it could be triggered and then sync'd to the clip(s) If your looking for something that in the future would give you the most options then a media server is the way to go. Although those Grass valley units are good with a server you get the added advantage of keystone and soooo many other options if you need it!
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